Ujjwal Kar

Ujjwal Kar

I am a Full Stack Developer with over 1.5 years of experience in designing, developing, and deploying web applications. My expertise lies in working with ASP.NET MVC, React, and RESTful APIs, with a strong focus on frontend development using JavaScript frameworks. I have a solid foundation in backend development and database management, ensuring robust and scalable solutions. My passion for coding and continuous learning drives me to stay updated with the latest technologies, enabling me to build efficient and innovative web solutions.

Work Experience

Intern and Associate Software Engineer

Clinisys Solutions Limited

Kolkata | 01/2023 - Present


  • Engaged in API development using ASP.NET and Front-end development with React MUI and ASP.NET MVC.
  • Crafting unit tests for ASP.NET and React to validate existing code.
  • Developed a script for API and Data Base connectivity for Automation Testing with Spec Flow (BDD).
  • Automated data entry in Clinisys WinPath Product and created a Rest API to provide relevant data.

Technology Used:

C#, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Rest API, React MUI, Jest, XUnit, SpecFlow


  • Pixel Team Award


iNeuron Intelligence Private Limited

Remote | 06/2022 - 10/2022


  • Stores Sales Prediction: Analyzed data to create a comprehensive report on increasing sales and predict sales prices.
  • Phishing Website Detection: Extracted website details and implemented a detection system to identify phishing sites.
  • News Articles Sorting: Preprocessing the text of the news articles and encoding it to TF-IDF vector to train data in a machine learning model.

Technology Used:

Regression, Classification, Exploratory Data Analysis, Scikit-Learn, NLTK, Seaborn



Experience with C# and .NET framework.


Experience with ES6+, TypeScript, and modern frameworks.


Building dynamic user interfaces with React, Redux, and hooks, focusing on performance optimizations.


Experience with Python for various applications.

Django MVT & Rest API

Experience with Django MVT architecture and building RESTful APIs using Django Rest Framework.


Experience with ASP.NET MVC framework and building RESTful APIs using ASP.NET.


Experience with SQL for database management and querying.


Building web pages with HTML5.


Styling web pages with CSS3.

Tailwind CSS

Styling modern websites with Tailwind CSS utility-first framework.

Material UI

Building user interfaces with Material UI components.


Developing responsive websites with Bootstrap framework.


Bengal Institute of Technology

08/2019 - 08/2023

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering

GPA: 9.33

Kamalpur Netaji High School

2016 - 2018

High Secondary under West Bengal Council of High Secondary Education

Percentage: 76.8


Social Network for Entrepreneur Communities

Key Points:

  • Introduced a Social Network for Entrepreneur communities for networking and business growth.
  • Good online courses related to business are listed there, along with guidelines for gaining recognition and investment.
  • Users can share knowledge through posts, blogs, and ask questions in the forum. Our AI filters out unrelated posts.
  • Public comment and reaction section is available.


  • Bronze Medallist on GenZ Tech-A-Thon
  • Finalist on Smart India Hackathon

Tools and Technologies:

React, Tailwind CSS, Django Rest API, PostgreSQL, Text Classification

Online Marketplace for Local Businesses

Key Points:

  • Developed a website for a local product marketplace, enabling sellers to showcase their products online.
  • Integrated a home delivery service, allowing customers to place orders and receive products at their doorstep.
  • Embedded a machine learning model on specific product pages to estimate costs dynamically.


  • Top 20 of Self-Reliance Based Intelligent India Hackathon (SRIIH) issued by Computer Society of India, Kolkata Chapter

Tools and Technologies:

Django MVT, Bootstrap, Scikit-Learn, Machine Learning

IoT based mental health monitoring system

Key Points:

  • Designed an IoT device for monitoring mental health and utilized ML expertise for Depression Analysis. Designed a website to display the results.
  • GSR, Temperature, Sensors are integrated to the device to monitor stress label of the patient.
  • A microphone is integrated to the device. Analysing the voice we detect depression label of the patient.

Tools and Technologies:

Speech Recognition, Text Classification, Image Classification, Arduino, Raspberry PI, Django, React

Under Water Trash Plastic Monitoring System

Key Points:

  • Developed a deep learning model to detect plastic trash underwater using yolov3 with 90% accuracy.
  • The model is designed with a software that can send the image to a server and it can be integrated with computers in underwater vehicles.
  • Created a web page displaying collected images and a daily plastics count graph to promote public awareness.

Tools and Technologies:

Image Classification, Django Rest API, HTML, CSS, Raspberry PI

Online Doctor Consultant System

Key Points:

  • Developed an online platform for patients to consult with doctors remotely.
  • Implemented medical history tracking to allow doctors to review and manage patient records effectively.

Tools and Technologies:

Django, Bootstrap

Cervical Spine Fracture Detection using Deep Learning

Key Points:

  • Implemented a deep learning model for detecting cervical spine fractures from medical images.
  • The model achieves high accuracy in identifying fractures, enhancing diagnostic precision.
  • Designed for integration into hospital systems to assist radiologists in fracture detection.

Tools and Technologies:

TensorFlow, Keras, Python, DICOM, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)


Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) Based Analysis of Stress Among Tech Workers Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

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